99 results found

Dec 2 2022
female, outside normal range
Bailieboro - This bird was seconds from eluding me. I had spent over an hour checking the fields and farms it had been reported in for close to a week. Others had given up and I made one final run when I spotted it about 100 metres out atop a fence. It looked like it was merely a very small bump because it was crouched in the wind. I was later able to go onto the farm property thanks to the gracious homeowner and followed the bird for a bit as it hunted for insects on the ground. It was cold so it was lucky to find some large caterpillars.
Dec 5 2022
Oct 28 2022
winter plummage
Merrickville - An invasion of Cattle Egrets has brought well over 100 into southern Quebec and Ontario. One Quebec location briefly had over 50 birds. This is my second sighting in October with this bird being far more photogenic than the previously shown individual. As is usually the case, the egret was hanging around farm animals, on this occasion a pair of horses, and wandered as close as 10 metres from me at times.
Nov 1 2022
adult, winter plummage, outside normal range
Brooklin - There is still a bit of breeding colour on the head but not much. This was the second day of the bird's appearance and I was lucky to be passing close by on my way home from Southern Ontario so I had to only make a minor detour.
Oct 18 2022
May 5 2022
adult, summer plummage, outside normal range
Erieau - The occasional individual deviates from its western flight path that would normally take it to South Dakota or even southern Alberta. I made two attempts at photographing this individual and on the second day it was much closer, offering excellent views. The breeding plumage is stunning, right down to the ruby-red eye. I've waited a long time for this bird.
May 26 2022
male, adult
Ottawa - This is a known bird, quite used to people, although this was my first visit in a few years. It roosts a short distance from the nest site which the female is currently occupying. When I shot the photo, the bird was cautiously watching a mother raccoon and two kits high in a tree 8 metres away. They had just emerged for a night ramble. After a couple of minutes it launched towards the raccoons and flew right at the mother's head with wings open, likely dragging his claws on her fur as he flew by, it was that close. After a couple of minutes he repeated the attack and five minutes later did it again, each time engaging her head. It was pretty dark at that point so I didn't see the final outcome but the issue is that raccoons are one of the prime predators for Screech Owl nests.

The shots were taken as darkness was setting in so this was at only 1/10 second on tripod using a remote and ISO was up to 3200 (I don't have a mirrorless camera so ISO is an issue). Many of the shots incredibly were in focus and looked not bad. I got lucky.
Apr 24 2022
Mar 18 2022
What I initially thought was an Altamira Oriole was actually my second ever Hooded Oriole - Bentsen Rio Grande.
Mar 28 2022
Nov 29 2021
immature, outside normal range
Toronto - A second BC bird in one day. This one has found a Toronto park to its liking.
Nov 30 2021
Nov 29 2021
immature, outside normal range
Barrie - This second year bird, a bit larger than a Herring Gull is well outside its Pacific Coast range. This is only Ontario's second bird, the first being last year.
Nov 30 2021
Mar 8 2020
#second smallest hummingbird
#Finca Lerida
#Alto Quiel
Jun 14 2021