4 results found

Dec 12 2022
They were peacefully feeding in the shallows when suddenly, they took off en masse. Those that are still on the ground, in this picture, have their heads up and alert, while the ones on the right have partially extended their wings. Was it the Peregrine (top right)?
Apr 28 2023
May 29 2022
YouTube video taken on the same day as the preceding two pictures of the Lesser Flamingos
Jun 1 2022
May 29 2022
Lesser Flamingo, Mumbai suburbs.
Every year, more than 100,000 Lesser flamingos (along with a few greater flamingos) migrate to Mumbai from November to May. They inhabit alkaline water bodies and some coastal areas until the onset of the rains.
In the picture is a (small) part of a large group doing a courtship dance where they move together in groups, raise their necks and swing their heads from side to side.
May 30 2022