8 results found

May 28 2021
Seen at Cypress Mountain in the early evening.
May 29 2021
Apr 7 2019
A very close encounter with this guy. The forest was alive with a chorus at North Saanich, BC.
Apr 8 2019
May 21 2017
Seen at North Saanich, BC, Canada.
May 22 2017
Jun 19 2016
Seen near an adult at Sidney, British Columbia, Canada.
Jun 22 2016
Dec 27 2008
Dec 27, 2008
North Delta BC
Dec 29 2008
Dec 27 2008
Dec 27, 2008. North Delta BC.
Taken on a Douglas Fir tree in my front yard. We had heavy snow on the coast during Christmas which probably brought this one up from Burns Bog.
Dec 29 2008
Jan 1 1970
Stanley Park, Vancouver - March 2007
Jun 28 2007