3 results found

Jul 10 2015
Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve, NL
The Thick-billed Murres were in a different area from the other birds. We were about 200 metres away looking across a chasm. I managed to digiscope a movie with my IPhone and then capture this snap from the movie. It was the most work I've done for a lifer in quite a while.
Sep 4 2015
Jul 8 2006
multiple species
Murres (or Guillemots as they are called in Europe) breed in mixed species colonies in Iceland. This picture shows a nice mix with both the spectacled and plain morph of the Common Murre, and two Thick-billed Murres.
Jul 14 2014
Apr 7 2021
Saint-George-de-Malbaie - July 2006
Jun 30 2007