Sep 5 2010
Iona Sewage Jetty, Richmond BC
This jetty is a huge sewage pipe near Vancouver airport that juts out 4 KM into the Pacific. It is large enough to drive on, although this is not allowed. There is a very special ecosystem at the end where I have seen lifers such as Horned Lark, Snow Bunting, McKay's bunting and Common Eider. This day the 4K walk yielded an unexpected Horned Lark.
This jetty is a huge sewage pipe near Vancouver airport that juts out 4 KM into the Pacific. It is large enough to drive on, although this is not allowed. There is a very special ecosystem at the end where I have seen lifers such as Horned Lark, Snow Bunting, McKay's bunting and Common Eider. This day the 4K walk yielded an unexpected Horned Lark.
Nov 13 2010