May 5 2022
adult, summer plummage, outside normal range
Erieau - The occasional individual deviates from its western flight path that would normally take it to South Dakota or even southern Alberta. I made two attempts at photographing this individual and on the second day it was much closer, offering excellent views. The breeding plumage is stunning, right down to the ruby-red eye. I've waited a long time for this bird.
May 26 2022
Excellent story. Glad it worked out so well. Believe this is your first upload of this species.
Yes, it is.
So nice,Brian!
Great find and capture!
Fantastic find, excellent shot with great detail of color and feather pattern.
This bird was one of the trip highlights.
The pale sky ‘filter’ that had just formed allowed the array of colours to be beautifully captured. I couldn’t have asked for better conditions.