Brian Morin

1650 uploads

Total photos: 1650
Total videos: 0
Species photographed: 332
Most photographed species: Snowy Owl (See all)
Countries visited: 2
May 7 2024
male, adult
Point Pelee National Park
Jul 24
May 24 2024
male, adult
Jul 21
Winter Wren (46)
Jul 12 2024
male, adult
Ottawa - This tiny guy was singing up a storm so I knew it was a male.
Jul 13
May 14 2024
adult, outside normal range
Shrewsbury - A pair of Magpies were building a nest in the cedars. They are well out of range, with the closest territory near the Manitoba border, about 1200 km northwest. Last year a pair, likely the same birds, bred 90 km further east.
Jul 8
Jul 2 2024
Toronto - a local breeding species
Jul 6
Jun 11 2024
Burnt Lands Provincial Park - A small population breeds in this grasslands habitat.
Jun 26
Jun 11 2024
male, adult, outside normal range
Murphys Point Provincial Park - Much farther east and north of the normal breeding range. This is certainly the same bird that was present singing for weeks at the exact same location last June. The song is unique and the plumage is greener than similar looking flycatchers like Willow and Alder.
Jun 26
Jun 11 2024
male, adult
His soft, buzzing, insect-like call was hard to make out.
Jun 23