6 results found

May 30 2012
The Chaffinch also has an endemic subspecies (madeirensis) on Madeira. The males have a full blue-gray back and very pale pinkish underparts. These bird was expecting to get fed!
Jul 1 2014
May 30 2012
The Madeiran Firecrest is an endemic subspecies of the Firecrest, but is sometimes considered to be a separate species. It has a shorter white supercilium than the nominate. It is very common in the many forested areas on the island.
Jul 1 2014
May 29 2012
Exciting seabirds breed around Madeira! This was an unexpected find during a short pelagic trip off Porto Moniz! This picture is not very good but the bird is amazing! They sort of "dance" over the waves giving little kicks with their feet to the water. Why they do that is a mistery to me, but it might have to do with getting food!
Jul 1 2014
May 28 2012
male, adult
It was unusual to me to see a Blackbird (here the island ssp. cabrerae) eating a lizard. I guess that's especially because these lizards (Madeiran Wall Lizard, Lacerta madeirensis) are so common on the island!
Jul 1 2014
May 28 2012
Berthelot's Pipit is another endemic of the Atlantic Islands (Madeira and Canary Archipelago, plus some more islands in between). It is very common in all open areas.
Jul 1 2014
May 28 2012
Madeira and the Canary Islands are home to the wild form of our pet canaries, the Island Canary. They are very common and widespread throughout he islands, but their song is not as varied as the domesticated form!
Jul 1 2014