10 results found

Jun 27 2014
female, adult
A shot of a female Evening Grosbeak taken in Juniper New Brunswick.
Aug 12 2014
Jul 2 2014
male, adult
Cars make great blinds! I took this image at my brother-in-laws feeder while on vacation in New Brunswick. Evening Grosbeaks are known as "Irving Birds" locally as they sport the colours of the Irving Co. a prominent New Brunswick company.
Aug 12 2014
Jul 7 2014
adult, summer plummage
Another image of a Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow from New Brunswick.
Aug 11 2014
Jul 7 2014
adult, summer plummage
This photo was taken near Tracadie/Sheila New Brunswick.

The photo is a bit grainy as it was near sunset on an overcast evening but it was our last day of vacation so I had to make do.
Aug 11 2014
Jun 27 2014
adult, summer plummage
One of two species added to my NB list this vacation. Not the greatest photo but clearly shows the diagnostic dark underwings.
Jul 12 2014
Jun 27 2014
male, adult, summer plummage
Another Juniper NB cooperative warbler. Even so it was difficult to get a clean shot as this male Canada Warbler foraged for food for its young.
Jul 12 2014
Jun 27 2014
male, adult, summer plummage
A very cooperative warbler! Photo taken just outside Juniper, NB during my vacation visiting my wife's relatives.
Jul 11 2014
Jul 16 2013
adult, summer plummage
Another bird in flight shot that turned out OK. Taken on Miscou Island.
Sep 7 2013
Jul 23 2013
immature, summer plummage
Taken near Juniper.
Aug 31 2013
Jul 21 2013
Photo taken just outside of Juniper on the species breeding grounds.
Aug 15 2013