
58 uploads

Total photos: 58
Total videos: 0
Species photographed: 52
Most photographed species: Northern Rough-winged Swallow (See all)
Countries visited: 2
Oct 10 2014
This Winter Wren was doing its best impression of a creeper as it explored the trunk of this tree.

Image taken at Shirleys Bay Ottawa.
Oct 11 2014
Sep 17 2014
male, adult
One of my favorite images from my recent Manitoba trip. A sparrow I have seldom seen this one put on quite a show.
Sep 21 2014
Aug 30 2014
This Tennessee Warbler shot was taken at Mud Lake Ottawa.
Sep 2 2014
Sep 1 2014
Portrait of a young Great Blue Heron taken at the bridge at Mud Lake Ottawa.
Sep 2 2014
Aug 16 2014
male, adult
Finally got a picture of a cardinal I am somewhat satisfied with. Taken at Mud Lake in Ottawa.
Aug 19 2014
Young Green Heron in the rain at Mud Lake, Britannia, Ottawa.
Aug 16 2014
male, juvenile
Photo taken this morning between rain showers at Mud Lake, Britannia, Ottawa. Finally got him to sit still long enough for a picture.
Aug 16 2014
Aug 11 2014
My first image of this increasing species. Taken just west of Ottawa on March Rd.
Aug 14 2014
Jun 27 2014
female, adult
A shot of a female Evening Grosbeak taken in Juniper New Brunswick.
Aug 12 2014
Jul 2 2014
male, adult
Cars make great blinds! I took this image at my brother-in-laws feeder while on vacation in New Brunswick. Evening Grosbeaks are known as "Irving Birds" locally as they sport the colours of the Irving Co. a prominent New Brunswick company.
Aug 12 2014