Dec 2 2022
female, outside normal range
Bailieboro - This bird was seconds from eluding me. I had spent over an hour checking the fields and farms it had been reported in for close to a week. Others had given up and I made one final run when I spotted it about 100 metres out atop a fence. It looked like it was merely a very small bump because it was crouched in the wind. I was later able to go onto the farm property thanks to the gracious homeowner and followed the bird for a bit as it hunted for insects on the ground. It was cold so it was lucky to find some large caterpillars.
Dec 5 2022
That great perseverance paid off. Fantastic capture.
It was definitely worth the wait.
Wow ! That is a superb find and capture.
I was pleased with the result. I have yet to see an adult male without a trip West but maybe some day. They are very rarely seen in Ontario.