25 results found

Jul 26 2014
Ring-necked Pheasants have been introduced all over the world for the pleasure of hunters, but they originate from Southeast Asia. They need to be constantly restocked since they would not be able to sustain their populations on their own outside their natural range!
Oct 7 2014
Aug 13 2014
The Tolfa Hills, about an hour North of Rome, are the best spot in Italy for this gorgeous species, and also very interesting for many other species. It is a quite wild spot!
Sep 11 2014
Jan 1 1970
A quite curious Black Redstart on migration through Ventotene Island.
Jul 15 2014
Mar 28 2006
This robin stayed around our banding station for several days and was very tame. It was getting some huge earthworms out of the ground! Robins pass thorugh Italy quite early in the spring, being a short-distance migrant that does not cross the Sahara desert to overwinter.
Jul 14 2014
Apr 20 2006
Not all Red-throated Pipits are so striking red! Many don't even show any red at all. It is a scarce but regular migrant in Italy. Given the amount of red I believe that this was a nice male!
Jul 14 2014
Feb 28 2009
The only remaining wild colonies of Bald Ibis are in Morocco and Syria, but earlier on it was widespread in Europe, too. In an attempt to reestablish the species, a new colony was introduced in Austria. These birds have been trained to fly behind an ultra-light plane, with the goal to teach them to migrate. From Austria they are taken to Italy for the winter, and that's where one can find them (about 30-40 birds).
Jul 14 2014
Jul 10 2009
A close-up of an adult Cory's Shearwater incubating. The "tubenose" structure is characteristic of this order of seabirds and serves to expel salt accumulated while diving!
Jul 14 2014
Jul 10 2009
It is a real treat to have the opportunity to study these birds. To reach their nests you have to climb up the cliffs for about 15 meters and then enter a huge cave where the nests are scattered. The birds don't move in the presence of the researchers, probably they don't perceive us as predators! While one of the parents stays with the chick, the other one is out looking for food for 1-2 days. When the chicks are older they are left alone during the day and both parents are out looking for food, and come back only during the night!
Jul 14 2014
May 8 2010
A whinchat positively refueling during its stopover on Ventotene island, a major migration hotspot in the spring.
Jul 10 2014
May 1 2010
A male (right, smaller) and a female (left, larger) Honey Buzzards on migration over Ventotene island in spring. Raptors try to avoid crossing large water bodies during their migration, but when the conditions are right they can manage that even on quite large distances (Med sea ~500 km).
Jul 10 2014