8 results found

Aug 1 2019
Aug 2 2019
Jul 25 2018
Long Sault - Also identified by call. This bird was 50 yards from the Willow but true to its name the Willow was in a nice stand of willows along a creek. But even that is not a reliable way to confirm what you are looking at.
Aug 18 2018
Jun 27 2018
Ottawa - Identified by call, after 15 minutes of waiting. Habitat is not a clear indicator of what the species is so you really need them to call to be sure.
Jul 3 2018
Jun 21 2016
Ottawa - I returned to the site I had a bird recently and wanted to capture it on a sunny day. After a while it landed on a nearby perch and sang for me.
Jun 22 2016
Jun 7 2016
Ottawa - Identified by call. I should probably call this one a tamarack flycatcher :)
Jun 8 2016
Jun 6 2014
Summerstown - It called first for confirmation.
Jun 14 2014
Jun 12 2013
Cooper Marsh - Lancaster
Identified by call
Jul 8 2013