32 results found

Nov 4 2015
Yes I have seen Lesser yellowlegs in South Africa. We have had a couple of records
Sep 11 2020
Aug 21 2020
Sep 6 2020
Jun 30 2019
We finally have the go-ahead to refresh the coding on Birdviewing to a newer and more user-friendly version. The project should begin in the next couple of weeks - long overdue as we get set for our 15th anniversary year in 2020.
I've been extremely behind both in photo-taking and photo-uploading due mostly to work - plan to get out more soon. Missed the Common-ringed Plover last week :(
It has been fantastic seeing all of your great uploads lately.
Jul 22 2019
Ingleside - This is my first leucistic shorebird of any kind. It sure sticks out.
Sep 19 2018
Sep 15 2018
There were 2 Lesser Yellowlegs at the Iona Sewage ponds in Richmond, BC.
Sep 17 2018
Jul 20 2017
Embrun - Fall migration has begun. Early shorebirds are making an appearance with many more to come.
Jul 21 2017
Aug 7 2016
A lone yellowlegs at the Saint Lazare, Quebec sand dunes during a repreive from passing showers.
Aug 9 2016
Sep 8 2015
Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary - Ingleside
Sep 9 2015
Aug 18 2014
St. Martine
Aug 19 2014
Aug 24 2013
Seen at Baie du Febvre northeast of Montreal.
Aug 25 2013