9 results found

Jun 2 2020
male, adult
Jul 1 2020
Jun 4 2020
male, adult
Algoma District
Jun 5 2020
Jun 6 2018
male, adult
Larose Forest
Jun 8 2018
Jun 15 2017
male, adult
Larose Forest
Jun 16 2017
May 13 2016
Long Point Provincial Park.
Sep 3 2016
May 13 2016
Long Point Provincial Park.
Jun 16 2016
Jun 13 2016
male, adult
Limoges - Larose Forest. I played hide and seek with this guy for half an hour. It hid in tall ferns then popped up, usually behind branches, then immediately dropped back down. I managed to get a number of shots in the clear which was great.
Jun 14 2016
May 13 2016
Skulking away under the vegetation.This warbler seldom comes out for a good view/shot.
May 29 2016
May 13 2016
This species is difficult to observe, but having this photo is special for me as it took over an hour of near-stationary, backbreaking work. Thanks to Sue and Ahmad for spotting him.
Long Point, Ontario, Canada.
May 24 2016