53 results found

Feb 24 2018
Seen at Vancouver Airport, BC, Canada.
Feb 26 2018
Jan 2 2017
Brunswick Point, Delta BC
Mar 26 2017
Apr 5 2016
female, adult
Wolfe Island - Kingston. After trying unsuccessfully for hours to get a shot of one of the many harriers present I finally got lucky with this one.
Apr 7 2016
Feb 8 2016
Boundary Bay, Delta BC

A nice look at a male through my spotting scope. This was a capture from a video taken with the IPhone. I took some photos with my camera, but this was the best result.
Mar 9 2016
Jan 27 2016
female, adult
Kingston - Wolfe Island
Jan 28 2016
Jan 7 2016
male, adult
Kingston - Wolfe Island
Jan 8 2016
St. Rose
Oct 12 2015
Dec 27 2014
Boundary Bay, Delta BC
Jan 1 2015
Dec 26 2014
On a Rainy Boxing day at Boundary Bay, fortunately sunny days have followed.
Jan 1 2015