20 results found

Feb 26 2024
This was a late day surprise. I didn't see two birds picking up grit on the side of a dirt road until the last second because of the low light. I stopped only about a car length away from one as it worked its way back into the bush. I had no time to check camera settings and was worried about shooting too slow so I hoped for the best. I manged three shots of several in fairly good focus.
Feb 27
Mar 3 2023
female, adult
Beaver Lake - I spotted this bird sitting on the gravel right beside the Trans Canada Highway so I turned around and parked across the road. It popped up onto the snowbank offering a perfect eye-level setting before flying across the road.
Mar 4 2023
Aug 27 2022
summer plummage
Aug 28 2022
Aug 27 2022
summer plummage
Aug 28 2022
summer plummage
Aug 27 2020
summer plummage
Aug 27 2020
female, summer plummage
Aug 5 2018
Mar 5 2018
female, adult
Algonquin Park
Mar 6 2018
Jun 8 2017
male, adult
Jun 9 2017