9 results found

adult, outside normal range
Ottawa - A new bird for the region. This little guy gave me a hard time. It was first spotted while I was watching the Red Phalarope a couple of days ago. I I dashed about 10 km to a waiting throng of birders but despite a lengthy search it wasn't seen while I was there. This morning I had the bird all to myself for 90 minutes. It was still very elusive but I had a number of good shooting opportunities.
Nov 19 2021
male, adult, outside normal range
Amherst Island (Kingston area) - This bird just showed up yesterday and I was determined to try for it having missed others in Ontario over the years. A Western species, one shows up every few years somewhere but it was always too far. This one was within reach. Morning light was against me today so it was over an hour before I managed to get anything worthwhile and this, part of a sequence three hours later, was when I said goodbye. By the way, identified as male because it sang.
Mar 30 2021
Mar 30 2018
outside normal range
Iona Regional Park, Richmond BC
Same bird Chris uploaded on April 14th.
May 1 2018
Apr 14 2018
Seen at Iona Regional Park, Richmond, BC
Apr 16 2018
Apr 1 2017
outside normal range
Iona Regional Park, Richmond BC
A number of sightings of these birds in the Lower Mainland as they migrated north. They are resident in the Okanagan in breeding season.
May 10 2017
May 28 2011
Predator Ridge Golf Resort, Vernon BC

This family were nesting on the second floor of our cottage on the golf course.
Jul 13 2011
May 28 2011
Predator Ridge Golf Resort, Vernon BC
Jul 13 2011
May 23 2009
Predator Ridge Golf Resort
Vernon BC
May 23, 2009
Jun 4 2009
May 23 2009
Predator Ridge Golf Resort
Vernon BC
May 23, 2009
Outside our patio of the cottage we were staying at. I believe it had a nest on the upper deck.
Jun 4 2009