22 results found

Feb 13 2021
Delta, BC
Mar 26 2021
Nov 20 2019
male, outside normal range
Prince Edward Point - A provincially rare species.I was searching for another provincial rarity and failed to locate it when we learned of this bird only 40 minutes away. We had it 20 minutes after we arrived and over the next 4 hours I saw it about five more times for less than a minute each.
Nov 21 2019
Mar 31 2018
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
May 1 2018
Oct 28 2017
Richmond Nature Park, BC, Canada
Oct 29 2017
Jan 2 2017
Brunswick Point, Delta BC
Mar 26 2017
Mar 18 2017
Seen at North Saanich, British Columbia, Canada.
Mar 19 2017
Jan 29 2017
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
Jan 30 2017
Jun 12 2016
Columbia Valley, Chilliwack BC
Aug 28 2016
Jun 19 2016
Singing at Sidney, British Columbia.
Jun 24 2016
Dec 31 2015
Reifel Bird Sanctuary, Delta BC
Jan 24 2016