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May 3 2013
male, adult, summer plummage
Nutmeg Mannikin/scaly-breasted munia is a very common little birds which mainly feeded with little seed. So, a large flock of this species attached to the seed-stem can be seen in the wild area of Taiwan with reed and bushes. This species is widely distributed in Asia, India, China and Indochina.
Mar 29 2016
male, winter plummage
Japanese robin is a rare migratory visitor in Taiwan. The bright colored feather make this little bird as the bird watcher list in Taiwan. I took this photo from Yuliu Geological Park which is a bird conservation area and also a stage area for the north-ward migratory bird to and from Taiwan.
Mar 29 2016
female, adult, winter plummage
This Eurasian kestrel was landing on the high-raised building where I stayed and looking for a prey near the sunset time. A poor bat was flying around there and got caught by this raptor and perching near a window (to consume) where I took this photo. The color might be more brown than this bird's true color. This is about the time for this kestrel return to the Northland.
Mar 28 2016
Mar 16 2016
Styan's bulbul is one of the endemic species of Taiwan, only abundance in the southern tip and eastern valley area where I made a recent trip to. The feather, habit and behavior were very similar to more common white-vented bulbul except of lacking whiter spot on the hind section of the head. This bird had a black head and nap area and white feather on the face. At the base of mouth, there is a small spot of red/orange spot. Because of interbreeding problem with more common Chinese bulbul, this species already extinct in some eastern part of Taiwan and considered as a vulnerable species status now.
Mar 20 2016
Mar 3 2016
male, adult
This same Eurasian Blackbird also found in China and many part of Asia. I found this bird on the grass in the Hongchou's wetland conservation area. It must be another subspecies. Unlike the European one with bright color, this one look dull. Without hearing it sound (it is dead winter on March in Asia this year!), I can not say about its voice. The same species, perhaps 10K kms apart, illustrate this well adapted species.
Mar 12 2016
Jun 4 2015
adult, summer plummage
I took a trip on Balkan countries and had recorded several species. This is the most impressive for its sounds, loud but pleasant. It is a rather big compared with other thrushes. It is bright black with gold eye-ring and beaks. It presence everywhere in Balkan area with its loud voice during the summer.
Mar 12 2016
Feb 8 2016
Due to other introduced/invasion mynas, this native endemic subspecies is threatened with reduced numbers. The ivory beaks is the marker for this species which is also distributed in China with different subspecies. I took this photo and paid little attention until I discovered the ivory beaks of this photo to prove I had this species at hand recently.
Mar 12 2016
Mar 3 2016
I took this photo at the West Lake Park in Hongchou, China, the most popular tourist spot in China. It is a big surprise to me that red-billed magpie (Urocissa erythrorhyncha) because this is almost the same look as the Formosan BLue Magpie, except the belly is white instead of blue in the later species. In Taiwan, there were cases of interbreeding of these 2 species, thus a threat to the later species (Urocissa caerulea).
Mar 12 2016
Mar 5 2016
In the middle of metropolitan shanghai, I took this very late of the day and from a great distance I knew this is a different magpie and turned out to be the Azure-winged Magpie. This species distributed either in the southwest corner of Europe and China: what a strange distribution. This bird should have blue back and head and white underside. I took at front view, so nothing to show it pretty light blue feathers.
Mar 12 2016
adult, winter plummage
This migratory species visits Taiwan during the winter months. This photo is a particular subspecies: Spodocephala type. This common species can be found in the bushes or on the ground.
Feb 19 2016
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