109 results found

Male and female displaying prominent field marks at Point Roberts. To my surprise, a new personal species upload.
Apr 9 2023
Feb 16 2020
There are now 46 Cooper's Hawks uploaded - but you never get tired of seeing them. Photo or in person :)
Feb 17 2020
Feb 16 2020
winter plummage
A few kilometers from the border at Point Roberts.
Feb 17 2020
May 11 2019
Seen on Umtanum Rd, Washington.
Sep 10 2019
May 11 2019
Columbia Hills State park WA
Just as we were leaving the park, I had a second or two to get this one shot. It was on my side of the car, so Chris was out of luck on this one.
Jun 4 2019
May 30 2019
Columbia Hills State Park WA near the Washington/Oregon border.
May 31 2019
May 11 2019
Quilomene Wildlife Area near Yakima WA
May 31 2019
May 11 2019
Quilomene Wildlife Area near Yakima WA. Not quite sharp, but a flight shot.
May 31 2019