22 results found

male, adult
Alfred - This shot fell into my lap. I stopped at a spot looking for a perch that a Bobolink might land on. I grabbed my camera to test the settings on the bush and as I raised it there was the bird I was hoping to find.
Jun 22 2022
Jun 6 2019
male, adult
Amherst Island - A little rain added to the visual interest.
Nov 23 2019
May 8 2018
Norfolk County
May 29 2018
May 24 2017
male, adult
May 25 2017
Jun 7 2016
Road 22, Oliver BC
A regular visitor to the Okanagan, this was the only bird I saw this year.
Aug 10 2016
Jun 2 2016
male, adult
Jun 3 2016
Jun 2 2016
female, adult
Jun 3 2016
May 18 2015
Taken in Norfolk County.
Jun 30 2015
May 17 2015
Norfolk County
Jun 28 2015
Jun 24 2015
Taken in Cooper Marsh,
Jun 26 2015