9 results found

May 2 2020
Williamsburg - I was surprised when I found this bird because it was in the same area that I had the female Kestrel a while ago. I wondered if it would be as cooperative as she was and after moving slowly along the road to avoid flushing it I eventually got quite a number of good shots. It was hunting the ditch, ignoring me as well as cars and motorcycles driving by. I watched it for 10 minutes being as close as 6 metres with my car. It didn't care. It eventually caught a small garter snake and flew off into the woods. Cool. This bird was browner than some. I later saw the mate which was a bit rustier in the breast markings.
May 3 2020
Dec 5 2015
On a very steamy morning with high humidity at the village of Gamboa, Panama. The dark malar stripe separates this species from the similar Roadside Hawk.
Dec 12 2015
Aug 13 2015
Algonquin Provincial Park - out in the open for some shots from the car.
Aug 14 2015
Pendleton - A couple of chicks hatched from a nest in a red pine. This was the first to explore branches outside the nest.
Jul 9 2014
May 27 2013
Jul 25 2013
May 16 2012
Long Point
Jun 28 2012
Venice, Florida - 13 March 2009
Apr 8 2009
Mar 13 2009
near Woodmere Park, Venice, Florida - 13 March 2009
Mar 22 2009
Ile Bizard (Flying over the 2nd {smaller} pasarelle)
Sep 12 2007