12 results found

May 7 2024
Point Pelee National Park - It's nice when you can spot one during the day.
Jun 2 2024
May 9 2022
male, adult
Point Pelee National Park - The only reason I can say this was a male is because the female was on the nest nearby. We watched the bird doing its 'dance' as it probed the mud for worms. This shot is uncropped. The bird was very close to a trail and remained within seven metres two days straight. The food must have been good there but also he was not far from the nest to offer assistance if required.
Jun 4 2022
May 22 2020
Williamstown - Imagine my surprise when at sunset I spot this little guy beside the road. Their instinct is to remain still but of course that doesn't help when you have zero cover. It even treated me to a little dance before it eventually flew.
May 23 2020
May 14 2018
A heard and then saw a Woodcock land in front of the car at Long Point, Ontario. It was after sunset but with some light still around. I managed a long exposure to capture the scene, though quite grainy at high ISO.
Jun 4 2018
May 16 2016
A strange sight around 8 am on drive to long Point Provincial Park.
This bird was walking across the road.
We turned around and watched him slowing move out of the road.
May 24 2016
Apr 6 2014
Ingleside - I staked out this bird for over two hours. It was close but behind branches so I had to wait patiently in my car for it to move into the clear. It would often sit quietly for 20-30 minutes, feed within three feet of its position then rest again. It had no problem finding worms.
Apr 7 2014
Apr 6 2014
Ingleside - probing for worms
Apr 7 2014
Jun 18 2013
feeding along moist roadside.
Jun 26 2013
Jun 18 2013
feeding along moist roadside.
Jun 26 2013