6 results found

Jan 23 2021
outside normal range
This is a rare wanderer from the West that was discovered inside a farm building. The shot was taken inside from 4 metres with the window as a backdrop. The bird had the right idea because it is a large heated structure with lots of windows that it checks for anything moving, like flies and spiders. We discovered that it gets in and out through a pet access door that has vertical plastic strips which can be easily pushed to the side. Smart bird. It may survive the winter.
Jan 27 2021
Apr 22 2019
Seen at Box Canyon, Arizona.
Apr 27 2019
Jan 2 2017
Brunswick Point, Delta BC
After never seeing on before Sept 2016, this is my second.
Mar 26 2017
Sep 25 2016
outside normal range
Maplewood Conservation Area, North Vancouver BC
Nov 4 2016
Sep 25 2016
outside normal range
Maplewood Conservation Area, North Vancouver BC
A rare visitor to the Lower Mainland, it stay for about 3 days. This was a lifer for me.
Nov 4 2016
Oct 5 2014
An early morning shot of this distinctive species, a lucky find in beautiful Barr Lake Reservoir, just 20 minutes away from Denver airport!
Oct 7 2014