12 results found

Jul 25 2018
Long Sault - Identified by call. Now it is not safe to 'make a call' on these birds because they are too close to the Alder in plumage and most are no longer calling.
Aug 18 2018
Ingleside - Identified by call. There is a faint pale yellow wash in the underparts.
Jul 11 2018
Jun 2 2017
Swan Lake, Princeton BC
Taken at long range with my super zoom camera, so a bit on the soft side.
Sep 7 2017
Jun 7 2017
Lancaster - Heard calling.
Jun 8 2017
May 30 2016
summer plummage
Pitt Lake Regional Park, Pitt Meadows BC
Jul 5 2016
Jun 27 2014
Ward's Lake, Grand Forks BC
Aug 7 2014
Jun 21 2014
summer plummage
Columbia Valley, Chilliwack BC
Jul 31 2014
Jun 22 2014
I have found this species very wary and hard to approach. I finally managed to get a few images of this Willow Flycatcher (yes it spoke to me) west of Ottawa.
Jun 23 2014
Jun 5 2013
Cooper Marsh
Jul 25 2013
Jun 12 2013
Cooper Marsh – Lancaster
Very difficult to safely separate from its cousin the Alder Flycatcher except by call. This bird was calling.
Jun 29 2013