29 results found

male, adult
May 2 2020
Jun 24 2019
Interesting to see how the sap attracts prey and the Sapsucker comes back constantly to harvest the ants.
Cooper Marsh,Lancaster
Jun 28 2019
Jun 10 2018
male, adult
Kemptville - I couldn't pass up a shot of this male on a window screen. It regularly perched there, looking at its reflection in the window.
Jun 11 2018
May 8 2018
male, adult
May 10 2018
May 1 2018
female, adult
May 2 2018
Jun 24 2017
female, adult
Kemptville - Yes, that's an earthworm but she didn't find it in that hole. She was putting it in there for storage planning to later give it to the chicks which were in the nest a metre away.
Jun 25 2017
Nov 27 2016
male, outside normal range
Southlands, Vancouver BC
A rare visitor from east of the Rockies caused a rare bird alert.
Dec 23 2016
Jul 24 2016
Cooper Marsh.
Jul 29 2016
Jul 24 2016
Cooper Marsh.
Jul 29 2016
female, adult, outside normal range
This morning, I took a shoot of photo as if a hariy woodpepecker. After examined the photo, the underside was not a typical hairy woodpepecker. It turns out to be an american three-toed woodpecker. What is a suprise because Toronto was not in their range map.
Oct 8 2015