76 results found

Feb 16 2022
male, adult
Ottawa - This shot begs for a caption. A couple that come to mind are 'sushi on the menu tonight' and 'ice fishing is for the birds'. Overwintering Robins were taking advantage of a small pool of open water with an abundant supply of minnows. They were very good at it but I only saw it happen twice. Others have seen it at this location for a few weeks. Protein is in short supply these days and you'd get tired of frozen fruit too.
Feb 17 2022
May 18 2021
# Technoparc Montreal
May 24 2021
Here is the female on the nest.
May 26 2019
May 21 2019
This is to give some perspective on the speed at which it was build. It took the Robin 12 hours to built this and another 12 before the nest was fully completed. Four days after starting, the first egg appeared.
May 26 2019
Egg number 3 in the Robin's nest outside my front door.
May 26 2019
May 25 2019
Egg number 2 in the Robin's nest beside my front door.
May 26 2019
Robin's next outside my front door. It was built in about 48 hours and had an egg just a day after completion.
May 24 2019
Feb 7 2019
male, adult
Ingleside - I thought this might put us in a more spring-like mood. This was one of a small flock of overwintering birds. A month from now I would consider them early migrants.
Feb 8 2019