75 results found

May 12 2024
#Long Point Provincial Park
Jun 8
Sep 8 2020
Presqu'ile provincial Park
Nov 4 2020
Jun 30 2019
Hard to believe there are 74 Cedar Waxwings uploaded - but never get tired of seeing them. Iona Beach Park, BC.
Jul 22 2019
Jun 21 2019
Ottawa - Another relatively easy to find summer species but when one lands a few feet away you just have to take the shot. There is almost no vertical crop on this image.
Jun 23 2019
summer plummage
Aug 20 2018
Jun 28 2018
Ingleside - feeding on honeysuckle berries. This individual lacks the 'wax' on the wings.
Aug 20 2018
Jul 26 2018
Algonquin Park - I went all the way to Algonquin to get a picture of a waxwing :) Well the bird did look pretty nice. At this time of year you seldom see any of the local specialty birds like Canada Jays and Black-backed Woodpeckers.
Jul 28 2018
Aug 20 2017
South Lancaster,Ontario
Aug 22 2017
Jul 20 2017
Long Sault
Jul 24 2017
Jun 18 2017
Seen at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary south of Vancouver, BC.
Jun 28 2017