9 results found

Jan 1 2024
winter plummage
This was a surprise to find at South Padre Island reserve - only my second time seeing the species.
Jan 9
May 18 2023
male, adult, inflight
Presqu'ile Provincial Park - This is a provincially endangered species with only a few breeding pairs. 2023 was a poor breeding year. This male was calling and flying about proclaiming territory. We were not near a nest. The pair did not nest this year but another pair did.
Sep 8 2023
May 24 2016
female, adult
Presqu'ile Provincial Park - this is a very special bird. A pair has set up breeding territory for the first time in likely 100 years. The birds did not have to be approached. I just waited in an area that one or the other might pass by and eventually both did on separate occasions. The species is considered endangered in Canada.
May 31 2016
May 3 2016
male, adult
Leamington - This little guy was as close as it looks, almost inside my minimum focus. I did not go to it. I positioned myself in a likely spot and waited half an hour for it to return. It did and exceeded my expectations. I'll be checking to see where it was banded and the bird's age and sex. Many saw it over a two day period. The previous day it was at Point Pelee National Park.

UPDATE: The bird hatched in 2012 at Whitefish Point, Michigan and returned to begin breeding there in 2013. It was likely on its way back to the same area.
May 6 2016
Jun 22 2014
This photo shows very well how close this species has to live to humans. It is fundamental to educate people to reduce disturbance as much as they can, and to teach them to respect the other creatures that share their habitats with us!
Jul 1 2014
Jun 22 2014
For comparison, here is a male, the black forehead is more marked.
Jul 1 2014
Jun 22 2014
Some beaches on the Lake Huron host this very rare plover. When they choose a spot to lay their eggs, the site gets fenced in and their eggs are protected with a cage, so that they can carry on their breeding business without being disturbed too much. In fact, they share beaches with humans in summer with apparently no concern! Here a female, notice the narrow blackish (not completely balck) band on the forehead.
Jul 1 2014