7 results found

Feb 5 2024
male, nest
Algonquin Park - There were hundreds of Red Crossbills. They were seen or heard at virtually every stop and are almost certainly nesting right now. They can breed in any month of the year, the decision being based on food availability not season. There are many types, with this one likely being the type that feeds on pines which have a good cone crop. They are notoriously tame, being very approachable and at times landing only a few feet away if you are still.
Feb 6
male, immature
Not quite in full plumage yet. Quite a range of colours.
Mar 23 2018
Mar 5 2018
male, adult
Algonquin Park
Mar 6 2018
Jun 27 2015
Bay Bulls, NL
Eating dinner in a local pub and they had bird feeders right out the window. This is an IPhone photo.
Sep 2 2015
Apr 1 2013
male, multiple species
Backyard, North Delta BC

Sudddenly there were strange looking birds in our bird bath. I quickly realized they were not house finches and started clicking. The resident Pine Siskin had to share for a few minutes.

There have been Crossbill reports all over the lower mainland this winter and spring.
Apr 5 2013
Apr 1 2013
Backyard, North Delta BC
Nice look at a female.
Apr 5 2013
Jan 19 2013
male, outside normal range
Burnaby Lake Regional Park, Burnaby BC
We've had a good winter here for unusual birds. These were high up in a spruce tree and hard to get a good shot.
Jan 22 2013