220 results found

Dec 29 2021
male, adult, outside normal range
Constance Bay - A few Black-backs venture south of their boreal habitat in winter but they remain a rare visitor. They are usually found in forests with red or jack pine and work on dead or dying trees. I have seen a few and heard more over the years but never had a chance to get decent photos. This bird took hours to track down but in the end I got plenty of good shots. However, getting the forehead patch of the male to show was extremely challenging. If you don't see it, the bird looks like a female.
Dec 30 2021
female, adult, outside normal range
Montreal- After seeing Ahmad's nice photo, I had to give it a try, expecting that the bird could leave any day. I didn't need to look for the bird, just the birders/photographers. The setting is right beside the Pierre Elliott Trudeau airport and the bird spent about 25% of its time working the fence line, occasionally heading further onto airport property. The rest of the time it was high in trees across the road, feeding on berries. Possible female based on tail length.
Nov 10 2021
Jun 24 2021
male, adult, summer plummage, outside normal range
Coldwater - My first chance seeing a male in breeding plumage. Previous records have been females (Reeve).
Aug 8 2021
Jul 26 2021
Jul 29 2021
Jan 31 2021
male, adult
Ottawa - If you check the photo I posted the other day, you will notice that this red morph is in the same hole. Apparently this morning the gray was in the hole and the red came by and the gray flew out, surrendering the hole to this bird. Could they be a pair? Yes that's possible. This is not nesting season but they could be paired up. Only 10% of the population is red and in the Eastern part of the province they are fairly rare. I just did a comparison with the other photo and aside from the gray bird being fluffed up to keep warm, it is standing a bit taller on what is presumably the same perch as the red morph. Female raptors are larger than males. The colour has nothing to do with the bird's sex.
Feb 1 2021
male, adult, outside normal range
Long Sault - I returned to the area to try for a male that had been seen with the female. I found it and after quite some time it swam close enough to the road that I was able to get good shots.
Dec 12 2020
female, adult, outside normal range
Long Sault - The noticeable differences between the Barrow's female and the Common Goldeneye are a shorter bill that is yellow or yellow-orange, a more vertical head profile and darker head plumage. The head darkness is harder to separate from the Common in dull light.
Dec 10 2020
Jan 1 1970
Was in Kruger last month. I had never seen the courtship display and mating of red-billed Oxpeckers. Here is the female in submissive mode
Nov 19 2020
A female or juvenile really likes these Sage plants.
Taken in our back yard.
Jul 21 2020
Jan 1 1970
A summer visitor from the Russian Steppes and Far East. Males and females are sexually dimorphic. This is a female
Jun 30 2020