326 results found

outside normal range
This was a real surprise to see at Surrey today. Very shy, he only appeared for 10 seconds and went back to hiding in the hedge
Apr 21
female, adult
Cornwall - Bird at nest site at dawn. It had been feeding its single 10-day old chick a cottontail rabbit. This must have been a very late nesting.
Apr 14
Forest Owlet (1)
Heteroglaux blewitti
(Critically endangered)
Mar 3 2024
The Forest Owlet is an endangered species. Considered extinct between 1884 and 1997, it is currently estimated that fewer than 1000 exist.
Mar 5
Feb 13 2024
While driving a back road I spotted an eagle perched in an old tree. It was not too far from the road so I expected it to fly any second. It didn't. Over the course of the next 10 minutes I had a West Coast experience, where you could actually get close enough to an eagle for a decent shot. I slowly advanced, stopping every 20 feet or so, getting out and leaning over the car roof for cover. I made five stops, each time bewildered by the bird's disinterest in me. It eventually moved but not because of me. I was opposite it on the road so as close as I could be and it continued to look around in perfect light on a great perch against a deep blue winter sky. What an experience, one of a kind. Where I live, eagles are regular but getting close to one is virtually impossible.
Feb 14
Jan 2 2024
At the offramp of US100 at South Padre Island
Jan 10
At Boundary Bay, in the same location as the Little Stint in 2018. This bird was amongst 1000-2000 sandpipers, and was a challenge to see. Many people were helpful in pointing out markers out in the bay to help find him, as he looks almost identical to Western Sandpiper when facing away. As the tide was coming in, the wind kicked up which meant most birds were facing away and with their heads tucked. One lucky photo came out.
Jul 16 2023
Feb 8 2023
male, adult
Kingston - Wolfe Island - I had 7 owls of a probable 8-10 birds there this winter. Most did not present very well and adult males are notoriously skittish making shots like this a challenge. Their caution is for good reason because females always chase them away and wouldn't hesitate to have one for dinner. This is a very poor year for Snowy Owls, with most remaining in the Arctic. The area had the North American high for Christmas bird counts this year (8 birds). To show the potential, I think the all-time record was 80+ birds some years ago. I had 53 in 2014. When there is a bumper crop of voles in the area coinciding with plenty of owls heading south we can get results like that. This is the third consecutive year with low numbers in all of Southern Canada.
Feb 9 2023
After an unprecedented week of extreme weather, with temperatures below -10C and a snow storm of 35cm, the Anna's Hummingbirds were pushed to the limit. I found this one hiding in a hedge. We've kept the water from freezing as much as possible. As with so many bird photos, the story behind the photo makes for a lasting memory. Happy Holidays to all.
Dec 23 2022
Dec 2 2022
female, outside normal range
Bailieboro - This bird was seconds from eluding me. I had spent over an hour checking the fields and farms it had been reported in for close to a week. Others had given up and I made one final run when I spotted it about 100 metres out atop a fence. It looked like it was merely a very small bump because it was crouched in the wind. I was later able to go onto the farm property thanks to the gracious homeowner and followed the bird for a bit as it hunted for insects on the ground. It was cold so it was lucky to find some large caterpillars.
Dec 5 2022